Wednesday, 30 December 2015

What I got for christmas


I know I posted some stuff on my Pinterest about what I got for Christmas but blogger is my home. I love Pinterest but I wanted to tell you guys as well. I will not tell you everything as it is all put away in my room and I cant remember it all. Also I'm too lazy to get up and find it all...

I don't know how to do this without pictures so I guess I'm just going to write a list.
  • Music: One direction- MADE IN THE A.M., Selena Gomez- REVIVAL
  • Films: Paper Towns (which is my favourite book!), Frozen and Tangled
  • Books: Tyler Oakley- BINGE, Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil- THE AMAZING BOOK IS NOT ON FIRE, Zoe Sugg- GIRL ONLINE ON TOUR
  • Electrical items: A kindle, iPhone 5s in gold, Skullcandy earphones in purple
  • Makeup and skincare: Ted Baker- PERFECTLY POLISHED nail polish set, Benefit- YOUR SO PARTY gift set, Seventeen- THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION, Studio London- DAY TO NIGHT SERIES, NUMBER 2, Simple- GIFT OF KINDNESS
  • Clothing: Pink converse all star, four new look t-shirts, pink bear dressing gown from topshop, pinafore from topshop, 5 seconds of summer beanie
  • Fragrance: Daisy perfume gift set, two Hollister perfumes: silver strand bay and Palisades beach
  • Random: two mini stationary sets, some highlighters, a tatty teddy bear, a yankee candle, a purse, notebooks, chocolate
I am so thankful for everything I have been given. This Christmas has truly been an amazing time. I learnt the most valuable thing I could ever of learnt. That people deserve to be forgiven. People make mistakes and they regret those mistakes. I forgive my dad for everything he has done for me. Even though I may still feel so scared around him and I may never be able to trust him again he deserves to be forgiven for what he has done. So does my whole family. They may not of treated me the way most families treat each other but I should be thankful for what I have and I should be hopeful that next year we clean the slate. That we start afresh.

Love from,
Scarlett x

Monday, 28 December 2015

Updating my navigation bar

Good evening,

If any of you are hawk eyed (not in a bad way, its a metaphor!) you may of spotted that I have changed my navigation bar. Before it used to have a section called 'back to school'. I have changed this section so that it is now called 'Advice and my experiences of school'. Next year I am planning to post a lot more about school as now I am in my last year I want to share past experiences with you all. I will be linking them on this page so that they are easy to find and hopefully this will make my blog more organised.

Sorry about all the updates lately I just want to keep you all up to date will my rondevus. I don't know why I used that word but I like it so I'm keeping it in!

Thanks for being here and for making me feel so proud and happy when I see how many views I have had on my blog. The amount of work I put into it is so extreme but I never expected to get anything out of it. Yet I do, I have viewers and that's crazy to think! This is my hobby, my outlet and you guys just makes it even more worth while.

Love you lots like jelly tots,
Scarlett x

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Changing the look of my blog

Hey there,

So as you may of noticed I have been spending a lot more time on my blog than usual simply for the reason that I am so proud of it. However I was not proud of the way it looked. I didn't like the way the title covered the whole screen and to be honest that sunset picture was nice but it was such bad quality. Also I didn't like my caption as it was really depressing and downgrading on myself. So I decided to make a change to my blog. I have edited the amount of posts on my home screen, I have changed the width of the bars. I have changed some of the fonts. Most of all I have changed my header image and I love it. I am aware that the blue does not go with the pink but I love the pink background and I love my headline image. I am hoping this new look for my blog will also bring a new year and a new outlook. If I surround myself with the things that make me happy then surely it should have an effect on my feelings.

Scarlett x



For a while I have had a tumblr account and I never really use it. Instead of putting it to waste I thought I would share it with you guys so that you can message me if you want to. So my tumblr is:

I know the name is really depressing but that was my username and I don't really want to change it!

Be sure to message me on there.

Scarlett x

Friday, 25 December 2015

I am so thankful for what I have been given.

Hey there,

So I wanted to talk about a few of the presents I have received and just say how thankful I am for them.

iPhone 5s: As many of you will know iPhones are very expensive. My phone (Samsung Galaxy Fame) came to the end of its two year contract this Christmas. I have been looking at iPhones for a very long time but I understood that my parents could not afford them and I was fine with that. I was grateful for the phone I had. My dads friend was selling his old iPhone 5s which was good quality but cheap compared to the RRP. So he bought it for me and he surprised me with it. He gave it me and he said that I meant to much to him. He said that he knew this year had been hard on me and that all he wanted in the world was for me to be happy. The fact is I didn't think my dad thought that way about me. I didn't know how to react. I just burst into tears. I was not crying over the fact he had bought me an iPhone (which I was very happy about don't get me wrong), I was crying over the fact that this is the first time in all of my memory that any one of my family members have told me how much I meant to them. This was the best Christmas gift I could ever of asked for. Material gifts are nice, of course, but the thing is money can buy you some things but it cannot buy you true happiness. Having people who show they love you and people you will forgive you, who will do anything for you is the best gift ever.

Kindle: I absolutely adore writing as you can probably tell from my blog. Anyway I always have to look up words which are better to use. My step nan bought me a kindle and I'm so pleased with it. I love reading but I feel like I just don't do it enough. It takes me so long to get through a book. By having this it will encourage me to read more. Also it will expand my vocabulary as if you do not understand a word you can just click on it and it tells you what it means. On top of that it gives you information if you click on a characters name which is so useful for me as I am really bad at following storylines.

Scarlett x

Merry Christmas - What I got for christmas haul


Today it is finally the big day which everything has been building up for almost two months now. The build up to Christmas is usually my favourite time of year but this year it was different, not only was I suffering with extreme sadness (yay) but we had mock exams the last two weeks of school. So basically I couldn't get excited until Saturday 19th December, which was only 6 days before Christmas.

Anyway the day itself has been surprisingly good. I have only felt sad a few times in the day and I have only nearly broke down once, which is a lot less than usual. So the thing is today has been a success in my eyes. The success may of came from the amount of amazing presents I received but I'm pretty sure it wasn't just that. For the first time in a while I have felt content with almost my whole family, except my dad, but baby steps.

On my Pinterest I will be posting pictures of my presents. Please do not think in any way I am bragging, this year I have received many more presents than usual, however many of them are smaller less expensive gifts and the expensive ones were second hand or a main gift from my grandparents. I don't think I will be able to post very good photos as the camera I have isn't very good and the lighting is also unsatisfactory. I will try my best though.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and spent it doing the things which make you happy. If you would like to check out my what I got for Christmas haul then head over to my Pinterest:

Stay smiling guys!

Scarlett x

Thursday, 24 December 2015



So I thought I would write a quick update about my Pinterest:

In case some of you don't know I post pictures on my Pinterest account as my blogger has broke causing me to be unable to post pictures which is a bit crap. To save getting all worked up about it I made a Pinterest account to post my pictures on.

If you have checked it out you will notice a board called 'Transformations'. On this board there are PICTURES OF ME. Well me with a hella load of makeup on, therefore meaning it doesn't look anything like me. Now these pictures are on my personal (private) social media accounts and they do have the real me on. The fact is I'm sure that no body is going to find these, but if they somehow do then I do not care. The reason I made this blog was so I could express my feelings, I should not be afraid of these feelings being associated with me.

Anyway as I was saying I will post my transformations as I have such a passion for makeup and I want to share my passion with others. I am hoping by doing this it may inspire others to do what they love no matter what and to not be afraid to share the results.

Scarlett x

Im dreading christmas.


As I am writing this it is Christmas eve, so happy holidays to all of you.

Christmas is a time to be with the people you love, the time for you to be with family and friends, the time to relax.

Christmas is going to be hard for me. As you may or may not know my relationship with my family is very bad. Mainly it is due to me, but to be honest everything is my fault so that's not much of a surprise.

You are meant to go to your family with your worries. The thing is though I don't want to go to my family and I don't think I ever will. I don't want my parents to understand my situation. My parents have been told almost everything about the way I am feeling yet they still say that its nothing, that I'm fine and that I'm making it up. They should of been supportive, but not just when they found out. They have not been supportive throughout my life. I would be on the floor, hysterically crying and they would simply look at me and walk away. If they said anything they would simply say "there's nothing I can do". I needed that support. I needed them to bend down and to hold me. I needed them to kiss my cheek and wipe away my tears and tell me it is okay. I NEEDED IT.

Why should I want to reach out to the people who have refused to help me and give me advice. Why should I be expected to try and fix our families relationship. The fact is our families relationship was broken the day I was born but even when I was too young to make any difference in fixing it my parents left it broken. They did not support me. I understand now why. The thing is I am not the child they wanted. My lungs don't work properly, my skin is constantly ripped and bleeding, I am in constant pain: if not from my medical conditions then from my mental conditions, I am depressed, I am suicidal, I have anxiety and maybe even autism. My parents aren't the most accepting of people and I am literally the worst nightmare for them. Nothing about me is right.

Especially my dad. Why am I expected to have a good relationship with him of anyone. He was the one who I gave my trust to yet he broke that trust. He broke that trust in the worst of ways, he took it in between his hands and he ripped it in a million pieces. I cant mend that trust. I cannot be expected to. People can look down on my with disappointed whispers and judgements for this but how am I meant to trust him. The person who used to scream at me every single morning. He would blame me for everything. He would push me down onto the floor and scream into my face. I can still feel the spit spraying from every word and him 'accidently' walking into me. I still remember how he would call me shit every single week and how he belittled me.

I want a family who loves me.

I want a family who will tell me it will be okay in the end.

However I don't have that. This Christmas I have to spend time with my family. I guess I should be thankful as I do have a family whereas some people do not.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

I Have Eczema.


I don't know if I have ever mentioned this on here but I have the worst possible form of eczema. Many people mistake eczema for just being dry skin, maybe that's what its like if you have a mild version, but that is not what its like for me. For me it is horrific pain nearly 24/ 7, some days I cannot write properly because of it and others I am unable to walk.

Eczema is an incurable illness and I have had it since the very day I was born. It has caused me to hate my body as I know that I can never, ever look nice. It makes me wonder whether I will find a partner who truly loves me and who doesn't find my skin disgusting as I cant even bear the sight of my own skin. It has made me think whether I want to have children of my own as I do not want them to have to go through the pain which I feel every single day. I don't want them to have to wear tights in summer and to feel so self conscious about themselves. I don't want them to wake up every morning and go to sleep every night wishing that they were 'normal'. I don't want to have to hold them when they are screaming out in pain, I don't want to have their body constantly infected. I don't want them to have to crawl around the house because they cannot walk. I just don't want my children, or my even my worst enemy, to have to deal with eczema.

Summer is my least favourite time of year as that is the time my eczema upsets me the most. All around I see people in bikini's, dresses, shorts, t-shirts yet I have to stay wearing jeans and a hoodie. Even in my own house I am scared to uncover my skin. I hate my eczema, and I hate myself.

I just want to wake up and not be in pain. I want to be able to wear shorts in the summer, I want to be able to go swimming in the sea, I want to be able to wear pretty dresses, I want to be able to bend my legs, I want to be able to have bear arms. I want to be able to look down at my skin and smile.

I want to be normal.

Scarlett x

I dont understand my feelings


The first time i started to reach out about my feelings I had 'mind, body, spirit' sessions with this man named John. In those sessions we would do yoga and exercise. I hated it. It wasnt the exercise I hated, it was John. He made me feel so uncomfortable.

Anyway John used to always tell us to fake our feelings: to fake that we were confident, to fake that we were happy as at one point we will not be faking ot anymore, we will truely feel that way. I have followed his advice, even to this day. However it does not work.

Every single day I will wake up and not want to get out of bed. Not for the reason most other people do, because they are tired or they are warm, I feel like I cannot leave. It is like there is a weight on my chest pushing down on me, a constant feeling of tears but yet I force myself out. I get up and i make my way through my world which seems constantly dull and in the darkness. I have to pretend I am happy. But who am I pretending for? Not me. I will fake a smile and push away my sadness, righr until the evening when i am emotionally exhausted. I cannot push it away anymore. I just lie, almost motionless. I close my lifeless eyes. I dont feel anymore. Every single time i push my feelings away they get stronger and stronger.

I am scared.

I have been here before.

I know how that ended. I know that the same result is approaching and it seems that I do not care. I am far from hurting. I am broken into a million pieces and those pieces are scattered around my body. Some of those pieces are lost. I am unfixable. Even if my pieces are glued back together, i will never be a whole. The cracks will still show and those pieces which are lost I will never get back. My scars may of began to fade but just because you cannot see them doesnt mean theyre not there. They are deep inside my body.

Scarlett x

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Thinking about 2016

¡Hola! ¿Que tal?
Hello! How are you? (Now im singing Adele...)

Anyway as i am writing this 2016 is fast approaching and as you are reading this 2016 may be your present. So i could technically be talking to the future, freaky!

2016 is going to be a hard year for me. It will be the hardest year i will have ever had to experience so far in my life. In 2016 i will be having college interviews, i will recieve my results for my second set of mock exams. I will be taking my final set of mock exams. I will have my 16th birthday. I will be spending endless hours revising. I will be saying goodbye to my friends, my foes, my teachers, my school. I will have my last day at my school. I will leave and go on study leave. I will come in to do my exams. I will have my last exam. I will go to prom. I will have my leavers assembly where everyone dresses in fancy dress. I will get my exam results. I will walk out of my school for the last time. I will start college. I will make new friends.

2016, Please be a good one.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Turning myself into Ariel - Get the look

Hey guys,

So when I was younger the little mermaid was my favourite Disney film, I knew all the words to the songs and I used to watch it over and over again. Last night I was just getting into bed when I started getting all these ideas of Disney get the looks I could do. The first one I went towards was Ariel. I started brainstorming ideas and then this morning I turned myself into Ariel.

I will be putting pictures of the products onto my Pinterest account so hop on over there if you want to be able to see what I look like/ what I am using.

How I made myself look like Ariel
  1. First you want to start of with your usual base makeup. I do not wear foundation but if you want to include it that's completely up to you. To cover up minor imperfections such as small spots and any redness I used the 'liquid concealer from Miss Sporty' in the colour 5048, basically just the lightest colour they do. This concealer isn't very good to be honest and it doesn't have much coverage however it is good to hide small blemishes. For the larger imperfections, under my eyes or any other areas which need a lot of coverage I am using the 'collection lasting perfection ultimate wear concealer' in the colour 1/ fair. This concealer is amazing and well worth the money. Then to set it all in place I used my 'Collection pressed powder' in 18- Ivory which does set my makeup but to be honest I don't know what it does, it reduces shine a bit. This is the only powder I have ever had however this is great for beginners/ minimal makeup.                                     
  2. For contour I firstly used the 'W7 coverstick' in light/ medium in the hollows of my cheeks. I blended it out and then placed my 'colourworks bronzer' on top of it to define the shadows. To highlight my face I used my 'MUA hide & conceal' in fair as it is quite pale. I used this on top of my cheek bones, under my contour, on my brow bones, on my chin, my nose my forehead and on my cupids bow. I paired this with some white eyeshadow to create a Kim k look as Disney characters highlights aren't shiny.
  3. Then I filled in my eyebrows as usual but focusing on the arch to make it more defined. I use the 'beauty UK eyebrow pencil' but I'm not sure what colour it is as I've sharpened it down but I think mine will be dark brown.
  4. Then I went on to eyeshadow. I covered my lid with white eyeshadow, then added a green shade over about 3/4 of the lid. In my crease I added a plum colour and then blended it in. On top of that I mixed in some purple eyeliner to make it darker. Finally I smudged purple eyeliner on my lower lash line. I don't know what eyeshadows I used as they were from box sets but I will leave some similar links below.
  5. Then I lined my eye with my 'Soap & Glory Supercat eyeliner' in the colour jet back. I used this to give my eye a cat flick.
  6. For mascara I applied the 'essence get big lashes volume boost mascara' lightly onto my lashes, then I added the 'essence I love extreme volume mascara waterproof' on the top. These mascara's are really good and they are so affordable.
  7. Lastly for my lips I used a MUA lipstick in a red colour which I think is shade 13.
So that's how I made myself Ariel from the little mermaid. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading,

Scarlett x


Similar to my Miss sporty concealer:
Collection lasting perfection concealer:
Collection pressed powder:
MUA hide & conceal:
Green and blue eyeshadow (Maybelline Diamond Quad Glow Forrest Drama):
Barry M purple eyeliner:

Monday, 14 December 2015

Suspicion of autism


I got called out of my lesson on Friday and got sent to the teaching and learning centre in my school. When i walked in i got called in to one of the offices coming of it. Inside was my pastoral manager (pm) and the head of safe guarding (hsg). They looked at me and told me to sit down. My heart began to leap as they looked extremely serious. I sat down in what seemed like the most acceptable seat, but of course as soon as i had sat there i felt awkward. They began explaining making some converstation to try set the mood, for example: how was your day, you feeling okay? I answered there questions without being closed which was suprising. The hsg told me to look at her. I looked towards her but not at her as I cannot stand making eye contact. She put her hands out parallel to each other. She said that everyone lies on this line and that i was not in the place where most people sit, i was somewhere else. She said that she thought i had aspergis, which i did not understand at the moment. I just nodded and tryed to listen to her explanation which i also did not understand. Then my pm also tried to explain, but i did not understand still. When i got home i decided to google it to find out what it was. It is a type of autism. The symptons seem to describe me.

Am i autistic?

Or am i not?

Scarlett x

Friday, 11 December 2015

Running away from teachers - friday 11th december

Hey guys,

Today is Friday 11th December (14 days till Christmas!). To say that my day has been eventful would be the understatement of the century. Before i explain the events and how they unfolded i would just like to apologise for grammatical mistakes as i am writing this on my phone. Also i am splitting this into sections as it is very long.

As it has been mock week (well more like mock fortnight) i have been getting in to school at eight o'clock as they are holsing breakfast revision. Which is really great of them: free food and last minute preperation, well done! Anyway I was walking around our one way system of a dining room- which doesnt work- when i heard someone shouting my name. I looked to the side and saw my pastoral manager alongside the safeguarding member of staff who works in my school. My pastoral manager, lets call her miss smith, told me to follow her. So i began to follow miss smith, curious at where we were going. I asked her where we were going and she said that she had phoned in my parents. Shit...

I knew i couldnt sit in that room with both my parents whilst miss smith told them every single bit of information they know about me. So i didnt. We walked past the hall and instead of following miss smith i ran inside the hall and sat down. But i did not hide, i instead revised. In half an hour i was doing a chemistry exam and i needed all the help i could get. I was sat there revising when she came in and told me i need to come. So i lied and told her i would.

However i did not go, i went outside and waited for my exam. I looked over at my dining room and there i saw miss smith, and she was running. She ran all the way around and began storming towards me. She got up to me and said "you need to come with me now". I literally thought she was going to murder me. I went to my meeting where i got told they think i have something wrong with me.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Im so ashaimed of myself

Hey there,

Firstly i would just like to clarify that i am writing this on my phone so i havent got autocorrect or spell check and i am not the best at typing so... sorry in advance.

I have an uncontrollable eating habit. I eat so much food and i cannot stop, even if i am not hungry. I am so self concious about it and it makes me so upset as i cannot stop eating eventhough i do hate eating now. When i look in the mirror i notice the change. I notice my stomach and how instead of being an 'l' shape it is now a 'c' shape. But not a nice curve. An ugly one. I always see people who are on the bigger side and think that they look damn great and confident, so how come i feel so shit. Is it the fact everyone is lying to me, telling me i am skinny. Or is it just the fact i am afraid as i cannot fit into clothes i used to. My body feels like a prision to me and eventhough the cage has expanded it has made me feel more clostrophobic inside.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Talking about my dad- part 3

My dad was emotionally abusing me.

Even though he had hurt me so much and even though I knew clearly how it hurt this still hurt me as much as it would of done if I was clueless. I was so upset. By this time I had started talking to people at school about it but, I could never tell them that. It was my secret.

He continued to be mean to me, to shout at me, to blame me for everything. He continued to walk into me, to 'accidently hit me', to pretend I was invisible. And what did I do, I stopped telling people, because I realised it was my fault. He had won. He had made me think I was in the wrong, that I was exaggerating what had happened. But I can remember it, as clear as it was yesterday. I can remember how he pushed me onto the stairs and I fell and really hurt myself. But of course I bit away the tears because it was my fault. I ran to the bathroom and I cried. I covered up the bruises on my face with concealer. I hurt myself more and more. I not only continued to cut but I hit myself, I pulled out my hair, I ripped my skin apart. I was dying on the inside, yet every day I covered up the scars, the bruises, I covered up my pain and went to school the happy girl that I was to everyone.

When I was called stupid, called a wimp, called mean. When I was told I was treating him bad. When I was terrified to be in my own home. I used to hate the sound of my voice because it seemed like every time I spoke he shouted at me. So I became silent around him. I became lifeless on the outside to mirror how I felt on the inside. I stopped trying. I stopped caring when I got out the car at school and he shouted at me, I stopped worrying that I didn't know what I had done, I stopped bothering that he thought I was stupid. I stopped being concerned when he ignored me and treated me invisible. Instead I just kept out of his way.

Yet I was the one in the wrong, I was the one who was treated as stupid for not wanting my relationship to get back to normal. But of course I did what every one else told me to do. I had to pretend to forgive my dad. I had to get our relationship back to normal. He hasn't shouted at me for at least a month now. Our relationship is not back to normal, and I don't think it ever will be. I will never forgive him for the way he treated me but I will have to move on. Because I still want a dad in my life.

When I was younger my dad was my hero, my knight in shining armour. I told him everything. We did everything together. He would comfort me when I was scared and he would fight of the monsters when I was having a nightmare. He would hold me tight when I was crying in terrible pain from my eczema. He was the parent that was close to me. I was a daddies girl. It was never my mom who did any of that. So when I lost my trust in my dad I had no one. And I miss it. But I know that it can never be that way again.

Scarlett x

Monday, 30 November 2015

Mock exams

Hey guys,

As I am in year 11 I have already had one set of mock exams last year but I am having my second set starting this Friday. In this post I thought I would give some advice about mock exams as they're very stressful, but I will also be answering some general school questions.

1. Do you like school?
No, I do not like school in general, it is too stressful and I'm always so sad there. However I like my school. My school failed ofsted so it is classed as a bad school however like most bad schools it means the staff care so much about each and everyone of you. They don't expect you to reach unrealistic targets but instead they will guide you so you can reach the targets you set yourself.
2. What are you excited and/or nervous for this year?
To be honest at this moment I am trying not to get excited for anything as I need to focus on other things like revision, but I am seeing my best friend on the 12th December and I am just so excited about that. I am nervous as I am applying to college and I want to get into a good college but I just don't think I'm smart enough

3. What Subjects are you taking?
All the subjects I have are Art and design, Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, History, ICT GCSE, Mathematics, Physics, Religious, Spanish

4. What's your Favourite Subject?
Honestly I don't really like any of my subjects. But at the moment I am enjoying Art the most as I am such a creative person and I am working on my final piece which will allow me to be extremely creative.

5. What's your least Favourite Subject?
My least favourite is Physics as I don't enjoy any sciences and find them extremely confusing. On top of that I have it as a double lesson on Friday morning

6. What's your schedule like?
The normal timetable is set out like 1st period, 2nd period, Break, 3rd period, 4th period, Lunch, 5th period. However during exam time out lunch is changed until after third period instead of after 4th. Each of our lessons are an hour each. On Monday I have Maths, Biology, PE, English, Art. Tuesday I have English, Spanish, Maths, Religious, Chemistry. Wednesday: Chemistry, Religious, IT, Spanish, Maths. Thursday: Biology, History, English, Art, PE. Then Friday I have Double physics, History, IT and English

7. Do you do Extra Curricular Activities?
No, not anymore. Unless revision classes count.

8. What's your favourite thing about your school?
As I said earlier all of the staff really care about you and push you to succeed in a motivational way not a threatening way. They always care about your wellbeing and they realise that you cannot achieve your potential if you are not well. Also they will always give their time to you. They will stay in for hours after school, come in early and on weekends to support you in your work.

9. Tips on how to survive a Boring Lesson?
My tip is to try and concentrate. Do what the teacher is asking you to do because it is important to get as much practice as possible. If that still doesn't work then try to make the lesson less boring.

10.What Grade were you in when you first started wearing makeup to school?
I wore tiny bits of makeup on and from year 7 to year 10. Then in year 10 and this year I have started wearing a lot more makeup.

11. Where do you like to go shopping for Back To School Supplies?
Literally anywhere that sells cute stationary.

12. What are 3 non-beauty essentials you have to carry in your backpack?
My inhaler so I don't die, a notebook/ diary and tissues as I am always ill.

13. What are your School Related Goals?
 I want to be more confident and pass all of my GCSEs

14. What do you want to do when you Graduate?
I want to go to college and study psychology, sociology and English literature. Then train to be a teacher or something else where I can work with children.

15. How do you balance Friends, Family, School and your Internet life?
I just go one day at a time and try to do my best.

This is all I'm going to write today so thanks for reading,

Scarlett x

Saturday, 28 November 2015

My horrible college experience


Today I visited a college in the city centre which I didn't particularly want to go to but I thought I would apply there as a back-up. This college only did BTECs for 16-19 year olds which meant I could only pick one thing to study, so I picked Early years & Childhood studies.

The first thing I noticed about the college was that it resembled a hospital. There was so many rooms and it was so neutral coloured. Any large open areas (there wasn't many) were occupied with seats which made them look like waiting rooms. To make it worse the classrooms were tiny which meant that they were really claustrophobic feeling. On top of that they made me think of those meeting rooms in hospitals where you only go in for the doctor to tell you bad news.

When I spoke to an early years staff I found it extremely awkward as she made me sit across from her on this table and she was speaking to me like I was a five year old. She did not seem approachable, or kind in that matter. She seemed very stern. When speaking to her it made me think of when your teacher keeps you behind after class and has the conversation that you aren't trying, your work isn't good enough or you're going to fail.

The fact is not one part of the college seemed approachable accept the art department and I don't even want to study any type of art at college.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Talking about my dad- part 2


I suggest that you read part one first, so you understand what has been going on.

During this time, I contemplated running away from home every day, I would try to stay at peoples houses as much as possible. I used to wish that he would just leave, as bad as this sounds, and never come back. I didn't want to live in the same house hold as him, the way he made me feel made me not want to live at all.

On the 11th of march, which is 6 days after my birthday,  he called me a piece of shit again. But not just that, he moaned at me for going to the toilet, he moaned at me in front of my family and they just watched, like it was completely normal. It seemed as though he takes out his anger on me but yet no one seems to notice, no one seems to care. I wrote "I'm tired of crying in the bathroom because of him. I'm so, so scared of him"

By this time I hadn't told anyone (I know in my last post I said that I had but I have just re read my diary and realized I was still alone in this matter)

In June it was still continuing and I was drained. I was so exhausted from the constant terror I felt. I was fed up from the ridicule and I just wanted my dad out of my life. June was the month of mocks and on the 15th we found out our maths results. I got a B which I was so proud of because I find maths really hard. when I got home my dad was sitting there and as soon as I walked in he started shouting saying a B wasn't good enough. (bear in mind my brother is smarter than me but he only got a C as he didn't study but my dad didn't say anything to him.) He said that I was a piece of shit and that I was stupid and needed to get As in everything.

I continued to avoid him but I couldn't keep it in. So that's when I contacted childline and on the 9th of August I got told the most hurtful thing I had ever heard...

Scarlett x

Monday, 23 November 2015

Im sorry


Isn't it sad when you are hurting so much you can finally say that you are used to it. But I'm just fed up of hurting and I just don't want to hurt anymore. I don't want to have to wake up, I don't want to have to smile, I don't want to laugh, I don't want to go to school, I don't want to apologise anymore. I am far past the point of saving because I have sunk too deep. I am not drowning anymore, I have drowned and I am lying lifeless at the bottom of the water. My body may be walking along the street but my heart has gone. I am sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah I am smiling but on the inside I am dying. However I will continue to mutter the words "I'm fine" every single time you ask whether I am okay. I am not fine, I am far from it but isn't that just what you want to hear.

I'm sorry.

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Talking about my dad- Part 1


Today's post is something I don't really talk about but I just wanted to get it out in the open because I find holding things in really hard.

It all started half a year to a year ago. My mom had started working in the mornings so whenever I got up she was not there, it was just my dad. Every single morning I would come downstairs and get my breakfast and my dad would be sitting there, as though he was waiting for me. I would get my cereal and eat it in silence. Too scared to speak. Then he would begin to shout. It would be about anything and everything, he would blame me for things, say its my fault him and my mom wasn't as close anymore and that I'm not the way he wanted me to be. As it continued I got more and more scared of him to the point where I would hide from him and avoid him at all costs. I was terrified of him, I got exhausted from the constant stress, to the point where I worried for my safety. I didn't put it past him to hurt me, instead I was expecting him to hit me. Whether he was being extremely clever I don't know but he never did hit me, not properly. He would push into me purposely walk into me but never anything which wasn't an 'accident'

As I felt that I could confide in my pastoral manager in almost anything it slipped out to her and I ended up telling her everything that my dad did to me. The first thing I told her is that it worried me how often he shouted at me, how unsafe it made me feel. I told her that I dreaded being at home and how I used to hide from him. Then on the 21st of April was the first time he said it. The first time he called me shit. And almost as if it has been tattooed in my brain, I cannot forget and I cannot un hear it, but most of all I cannot forgive it. I cannot forgive it because that was the day I tried to kill myself and I cannot write that in any nicer words because that is simply just the way it was. Only a few days later I came downstairs to him shouting again. In my diary I wrote "he shouted at me so much that my body felt, as what I imagine, a heart attack to feel like".

It was hard coping with this every day. It was not just physically enduring but it was mentally challenging as I was always terrified.

Scarlett x

Saturday, 14 November 2015


Hey guys,

My account still hasn't been fixed so I still cant post photos. As I love photos so much I couldn't bear the thought of this so I have decided to make a Pinterest account where I will post photos related to posts. Anyone can view my account even if they do not have a pinterest account.

So if you want to check out my pictures when I post them then this is my account:

Anyway thanks for everything guys,

Scarlett x

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

How much beauty can be held in the sky? - Poem

Sometimes the prettiest things,
Lay just out of sight.
You never think to lay your eyes on them,
You will never see the delight.
What will stop you from looking beyond the barriers of which everyone looks?
You're preconceptions,?
You're prejudices?
You're preconceived thoughts?
Step over the lines,
Step out of the box,
Walk the paths which haven't been walked.
Don't follow the crowd,
Walk alone,
You will find your true home
Just one night look at the sky
And you will see,
That true beauty is all around us,
But only for some to see.
This poem and all poems I post are my own so please do not copy without my consent or without crediting it as mine. Thanks x

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Disney Tag


I am such a Disney lover so I thought this would be a perfect tag for me to do. Hope you enjoy!

#1 Favourite Princess
At the moment my favourite is Belle, I just love her so much!

#2 Favourite Prince
Flynn Rider from Tangled

#3 Favourite Couple
Rapunzel and Flynn

#4 Least Favourite Princess
Ah this is really hard as when I was younger I really didn't like Cinderella but now I love Cinderella. I would have to say Eudora from princess and the frog simply because I know nothing about her!

#5 Least Favourite Prince
The prince at the start of Frozen! Does he count?

#6 Least Favourite Couple
My least favourite would have to be Snow White and her Prince.

#7 Favourite Dress/Outfit
Aurora, I used to dream of wearing her dresses when I was little as she was my favourite princess.

#8 Least Favourite Dress/Outfit
I would have to say Mulan...

#9 A Princess Who Inspires You
All of the princesses inspire me in a different way (which I will write a blog post about soon!) but I would have to say Rapunzel

#10 Worst Decision Made by a Princess
Probably Ariel, she just isn't a good role model and makes bad decisions all the way through.

#11 A Villain You Feel Was Justified in Their Treatment of [the] Princess/Prince
Ursula as Ariel was the one who went to her.

#12 A Princess You Would Like to Trade Places With
Definitely Belle

#13 A Princess Whose Life You Would Hate to Have
Cinderella as it must of been really hard for her to be treated that way and I really sympathise towards her.

#14 A Princess You Think is a Bad Role Model for Young Girls
Ariel! She is not grateful for the things she has, she crashes parties, falls in love with a man for his looks, only cares for materialistic things, Okay I'm done

#15 Favourite Tiara
Cinderella's tiara

#16 Favourite Song Sung by a Princess (can include duets)

Would have to be when you wish under a star (if that's what its called!)

#17 Least Favourite Song Sung by a Princess (can include duets)

I love all their songs, even this one, but if I have to pick I’ll say When will my life begin. It was just too poppy for Disney but the end is so great!

#18 The Princess With Whom You Would Be Best Friends

Belle or Rapunzel.

#19 The Princess With Whom You Would Be Frenemies
None. I love them all.

#20 The Princess You Would Openly Hate and Be Enemies With
As I said, none.

#21 The Princess You Would Dress As for a Halloween/Costume Party
Belle, because she’s the only brunette.

#22 List Three Admirable Qualities About the Princess You Named on Question number #4
Merida is brave, she knows what she wants, and she seems to have what it takes to be a good queen.

#23 A Princess You Feel Didn’t Deserve Her Happy Ending
They all deserved it. They are all good people who deserved a happy ending.

#24 The Happy Ending You Feel Didn’t Make Sense/Was Too Easy
None of the endings were to easy. I mean, if they executed Mulan because she was a woman this wouldn’t be a Disney-movie.

#25 Favourite Sidekick

#26 Most Interesting Story
In my opinion it is Beauty and the Beast

#27 Best Singing Voice
Cinderella just hits it for me.

#28 Edge of Your Seat: The Moment You Find Most Exciting
Literally every Disney film has me on the edge of my seat, probably when Rapunzel escapes in Tangled.

#29 If You Were a Disney Princess, What Would Your Story Be?
Belle’s story!

#30 What Do You Want to See from the Next Disney Princess?
Just a nice, caring girl, hopefully one that will promote education and hard work to the young girls and boys who watch it.

Thanks for reading!

Love, Scarlett x

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

How I deal with stress


If you have been reading my posts then you may of gathered that I am a person who is easily stressed. If not then hey! So I don't deal with stress all that well and I do have anxiety but I wanted to share my ways of dealing with stress.
Be organised

Whether this is within your schoolwork, your job or just every day life, if it makes you less stressed then do it. As I am in my final school year I am starting exams and my first exam may not be until next June but I know that the more I start preparing now the less I will stress later. I have drew up a revision timetable with what I am studying, what times, any other priorities I have and always some free time. This has helped me feel a lot less stress as I feel more encouraged and productive. So if you aren't studying there are other ways you can be organised whether that it writing to do lists or having a notice board: there will always be something to suit you.

Let yourself have some down time

Yes you may have your maths exam tomorrow or a job interview but you still need to have some time to just chill. Leave an hour where you can watch TV or 20 minutes where you can just sit in the garden. If you spend all your time focusing on that thing then you will be more likely to mess up. Like if I had a big exam tomorrow I wouldn't be spending my whole evening studying I would watch a film, comfort eat and dance to music. Find your thing that de-stresses you, it may be a bath, playing the piano or doing your makeup. The night before what you have been stressing about do that thing, have fun! Laugh, sing, dance, make a fool out of yourself, it will benefit you not only short term but long term as well in the short term you are happy in the long time you will come out on top.

Surround yourself with positive people

Don't spend the night before a big exam on your own worrying be with your friends and have some fun, if you still want to study then study together. It may not be that effective but it will really help you forget about your worries. Their positivity will rub of on you when you most need it so watch TV with your family, play basketball with your friends in the park, if you are having fun with people who are also having fun your stress will just float away.

Talk to someone

If you are feeling stressed then talk through why you are with someone. They can make you realise that you don't need to worry about it or they can help you deal with that problem as a problem shared is a problem halved. Talking can get your negative energy out and even if nothing has changed you will feel more positive by not having it all bundled up inside you.

Get an early night

Are you starting a new school tomorrow? Or are you performing in the town talent show tomorrow? If you are stressed about something which is happening the next day make sure you go to bed early. Sleep can have a good impact on how stressed you are and if you awake feeling refreshed you will automatically feel less stressed.

If you are worrying about something that has already happened then you will have to realise that you cant change the past. Everything has happened for a reason and regretting it wont change a mistake. You can try and fix it by apologising and showing someone it was a mistake which will make them see you are a strong person for having the courage to try and fix it. Everyone makes mistakes in life and the sooner you realise that and learn how to move on the better. There is no point stressing on the past, I know that you don't mean to but just sit yourself down and give yourself a good talking to.

Thanks for reading,

Love, Scarlett x

Friday, 23 October 2015

Being completely honest


Earlier this week I was sitting in maths when I suddenly began getting horrible thoughts which I am not comfortable repeating. I went down to the pastoral office but there was a meeting so I had to carry on feeling like shit.

The next day I really couldn't cope. I was in IT and I kept on thinking about suicide and how nice of an option it seemed. Deep down I knew I didn't want to do it but I was so afraid I would. After that IT lesson I went straight to the pastoral office instead of going to Spanish. My pastoral manager was free so I walked up to her.

The first thing she said to me was "are you okay?" to which I simply replied with a shake of a head. I sat down and watched my fingers begin to shake. She sat next to me and I began talking. After a while I started telling her that I had been having horrible thoughts. She asked what they were and I began to cry. I CRIED! I started mumbling what they were and she was stroking my arm trying to comfort me. Then she asked me whether I have harmed myself and I refused to look at her or answer. I started crying even harder (bear in mind I hardly ever cry) and started nodding and saying I'm so stupid over and over again. She told me that its okay and she said she would have to phone my mom. All the time I sat there feeling like I was going to be sick any minute. I started mumbling about feeling stupid and worthless when she told me to look at her. I didn't look at her but I did stop talking. She sat there moving my hair to try and look at me. When I finally looked at her she said "all that comes out of you mouth are negative things. You aren't stupid you are just hurting inside and trying to express yourself. You need to believe in yourself because you are good at so many thing" to which I replied "I'm not good at anything". Then she had big long talk telling me things I'm good at and I ended up laughing.

I know it may seem hard to tell people things especially a teacher because they have to tell your parents but it feels so good getting it all out. I am not embarrassed or ashamed for how I acted, I am proud for opening up. Yes she told my parents but that's her job and I wouldn't have it any other way. Being honest is the best thing I could of done on that day as without her support I wouldn't of been alive the next day.

Find that person you can open up to and never be afraid to open up to them.

Love Scarlett x

Friday, 16 October 2015

Being small


So I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before but I am small and when I say small I mean that I am literally 5 foot.

People love taking the mick out of me for being small like they seem to think its okay and that I don't get upset or offended by it. Sometimes they don't seem to realise that a person's a person no matter how small.

I am really self conscious about my height and its not something I can hide, I wear heals and I am still under average height. Yeah there's that quote that says:
God only lets things grow until they're perfect, some of us didn't take as long as others 
but its still hard and extremely annoying to put up with people bending down to your height to 'see what its like down there' or being asked "what's the weather like down there".  Then there are the times when you are getting something of a shelf that you can easily reach and someone will pick you up to get it. Its so frustrating! If you are small you understand where I come from and know how annoying it is to have to put up with me.

Being small does have an advantage of that you will see the world from a completely different view that most other people (and hide and seek is amazing), you not only physically see things differently but you see how people really treat people. You see how they react to people being different, that's what I like about being small, it has taught me to treat people equally, to know people for who they are and that different or not we are all human.

Thankyou for reading this post.

Scarlett x

A.K.A a chicken mcnugget

Friday, 9 October 2015

What you actually want to hear when you're sad


For yourself

Any time I have wrote posts about 'it gets better' I have been in a good mood. Now I have returned back to being sad all the time I realised that doesn't help at all. That makes you feel worse, so I am sorry. Today I am going to be writing a post about what you actually want to hear.

It's okay to be sad. It's okay not to be okay. You are not choosing to be sad but you are and that is okay. It's okay that you don't understand why you feel that way. It's okay if you feel alone with so many people around me. It's okay for your heart to ache, (well I think it is anyway, this happens to me and I'm fine... ha no- but you know what I mean)

It is completely normal in this situation to want to hide away and be alone. Often you will lie about how you are. Maybe you want to say how you feel but have difficulty doing it or you don't want to hassle people. Maybe even both. People will often lie about how they feel. E.G.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" no I'm not okay

To say to someone else

If someone has told you they are/ think they're depressed and you don't know how to respond then I hope this will help you.

  • If you want to let them know that you are there for them. Then you can literally just say I'm here for you or you're not alone with this. (Personally I prefer the first one)
  • Let them know that they're meaningful to you. By saying something like "you are important to me". When you are depressed you might feel worthless (even though you're not) so letting them know they mean something to you will make them feel less anxious that you're judging them.
  • If you don't know what to say ask them if they want a hug. I know that sounds really simple but it can be really helpful. In that situation they will probably be really upset as telling someone is hard so it can make them feel less upset.
  • Tell them that you are not going to leave them. Or that you can get through this together.

I hope this post was helpful. Thanx for reading,

Scarlett x

Friday, 2 October 2015

The ABC's of me

Hey there,

I'm going to be doing the ABC's of me tag

A- Age: 15
B- Biggest Fear: Spiders, Stickers and getting hit by a car.

C- Current Time: 18:47
D- Drink you last had: Water because I'm a boss
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: My friend Lauren
F- Favourite Song: Lego House by Ed Sheeran
G- Grossest Memory: Idk but the other day I went downstairs and my cat had fur pooped in the living room (when he poop's but there is loads of his fur in it) TMI sorry
H- Hometown: Birmingham (UK)

I- In love with: nobody apart from celebrities
J- Jealous Of: Lea Michele, she plays Rachel in Glee and she is goals
K- Killed Someone?: How did you know? Jks, not that I know of...
L- Longest Relationship: 1 month
M- Middle Name: its a secret
N- Number of Siblings: 2, both brothers
O- One Wish: I wish that everyone fell in love with their eyes closed and more people would see people for who they are not what they look like
P- Person who you last called: My friend Jess
Q- Question you're always asked: Is your hair naturally curly?- yes it is

R- Reason to smile: You should smile because a smile is the most beautiful thing a girl can wear and you are someone special, so smile and embrace that.
S- Song last sang: The Crumble song (Google it, you will hate me its so catchy, and amazing)
T- Time you woke up: About half 10
U- Underwear Colour: White with a lilac border and small lilac hearts
V- Vacation Destination: Skegness because we are classy
W- Worst Habit: Biting my lip
X- X-rays you've had: When I had braces they had to X-ray my teeth
Y- Your favourite food: Pizza or potato. No wait bacon
Z- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

I tag all of you reading this. Stay awesome

Scarlett x

Sunday, 27 September 2015

25 weeks time


(I don't know what that means I just like the sound of it...)

Anyway I have gone into my final year of school, the dreaded year 11! We had this assembly the other week where they were telling us to buckle down and work hard. One of the things they said really stuck with me:
'You have 25 weeks until your first exam'
"25 WEEKS! That's not long, I cant be dealing with that yet, no let me be a kid again. I want to be five, HELP" is basically what went through my head. So lets talk...

In 25 weeks time I will be starting my exams which will determine my life chances. But before then I will of had a referral to cahms (a mental health service), I will have looked around, chose and applied to a college. I will of had my final Christmas in school. I will have had my final new year back in school. I will have turned 16: my final birthday in school. I will have spent over 200 hours revising (that's the plan anyway), I will have stressed myself to the extreme, cried an uncountable amount of times. I will have took selfies with all my friends, told them that we will stay in touch. I will have thanked my teachers for all the time and effort they put in to allow me to do the best thing possible. I will of said goodbye to people who have made my life extraordinary, to the people who have cared for me and to the ones who have kept me alive. I will have said goodbye to the place where I have spent the last 5 years of my life. Then that day will come when I will leave and my life will never be the same again.

A lot can change in 25 weeks time and these next 25 weeks will be the hardest in my life. I am going to take advantage of every single day because I don't want to look back and regret the choices I made as each and every single one of those days will be leading up to a life changing moment: results day. I want to do my parents proud. To make those teachers say "she did it". To show those people who didn't believe in me what I am capable of. But most of all to show myself that I can achieve anything that I want to achieve.

Bring it on.

Scarlett x

Friday, 25 September 2015


Hey there!

If you couldn't tell by the title it is finally autumn- WHICH I LOVE! I am writing this at the start of autumn (but it may go up later) and in the UK it has been cold most of the summer, basically summer has been autumn which is fine by me. I wanted to do an Autumn themed post so I thought I would do this tag which I found as its not super long.

1. Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc?  
Oh wow, this is the first question and I am already failing. I have NEVER been to any of those places and I don't like coffee! The only particularly seasonal drink I would have is Hot chocolate, so if you can buy that there then I will get that.

2. Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I literally always wear gloves, I don't really like them its just my hands get SO cold! I have to wear them otherwise I'm pretty sure my hands will fall of. I will also wear boots but tbh I wear them all year round. Occasionally I will wear my snood (is that's what its called or am I just thinking of the Lorax) but not often.

3. Music - what's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn?
I will listen to what I usually listen to but I will try to get away with listening to Christmas music
4. Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
I don't really have many scents, maybe I will wear my Beyoncé perfume as it seems to have an autumnal smell to it, I'm not really sure as before this year I only wore body sprays.

5. Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
 The Yankee Candle Christmas cookie which is my all time favourite candle, it smells like cookies! What could be better than that!

6. What do you love most about Autumn?
HALLOWEEN! I absolutely love Halloween, it is definitely my favourite holiday. I just love that you get to become someone else. Don't tell anyone but I'm actually listening to Cuckoo by Adam Lambert which I heard on the Halloween episode of pretty little liars right now!

7. Favourite makeup look?
I don't really wear much makeup but I might actually wear eyeshadow this season and I will probably wear eyeliner as well.

8. What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
Being able to wear jumpers, hats and layers. I just love that type of stuff, it is really my style and its what I feel comfortable in, I even wear them in summer some times...

Thank you for reading, byeeeeeeee x

[I didn't own the picture at the start so here's the link to it!]

Monday, 21 September 2015

A little update

Hello there lovely people,

About a week ago I came onto my blog to write the autumn tag I did. I went to add in a picture and it didn't allow me so I just posted the picture without it. Today I came back on to do a post about 'futuristic nails' and it still wouldn't allow me to post any pictures.

I have loads of posts planned including my tutorial of Belle from Beauty and the Beast and the futuristic nails I mentioned earlier. However I can not post any of these as for some reason I cant seem to post pictures.

If you know why I cant add photos or how to fix it then I would love it if you could tell me. As for now I will still be posting just sadly without any pictures.

Thank you for reading this quick update

See you soon, Love,

Scarlett x

Friday, 18 September 2015

What's in my blazer - Stuff to take - Back to school

Hey there y'all,

I know that not many schools out there wear blazers or even uniform to be truthful but I live in England so we wear uniform. I'm quite glad we do because my family doesn't have much money to keep on buying me clothes and it would stress me out a lot if I had to pick out an outfit everyday. As I was showing you what I take to school I thought I would show you what I put in my blazer.

In my blazer

So for equipment I wouldn't have this much but this is basically what I take equipment wise.

In my blazer I would have one or two pens and pencils, a rubber, a ruler, a coloured pen and a correction pen (basically tippex in a pen). The rubber is from TESCO and it says delete on it which is sort of a private joke between me and my friends in my Spanish class because my Spanish teacher always says delete the writing on your white board. I know its not funny but anything is funny in Spanish lessons. Then the correction pen is from Wilkinson's and it came in a pack of 2. Now I don't know where the Lion King pencil is but I found it in a bag of old stationary and I got so exited because I'm a literal Disney junkie.

Inside my blazer I also have other stuff such as makeup and tissues etc.

This is everything that has a permanent place in my blazer that isn't equipment. Now I keep 5 lip items in there and you may think that's a bit extreme and so do I but I love lip items so much. So I have 2 baby lips, I have the plain hydrate one and cherry me which is a cherry red coloured and its really pretty but quite subtle so you can get away with wearing it. Also I have two of the collection lip balm, these are so moisturising and they smell amazing, the green apple one is plain and the pink strawberry one is quite pink. For lip gloss I just have one I got given and its like a coral pink colour which looks so nice on. The only other makeup I bring with me is just an AVON mascara.
Also I will have a mirror, my timetable, some chewing gum- my favourite is strawberry (even though it is banned at my school), I will have a scrunchie or hair bobbles, my inhaler and some tissues- yes more tissues!

Also I would put random things in my blazer like letters as I'm usually too lazy to put them in my bag, I would put notes like detention reminders or notes to say why you're out of lesson and then I would usually end up putting food in there so I can eat in lesson.

So, that's it in my stuff to take, I hope this was helpful and what you guys wanted. I hope you've had a nice day,

Scarlett x


Friday, 11 September 2015

What's in my pencil case - Stuff to take - Back to school

Hello again,

Here is the second part of my stuff to take. Today I'm going to be showing you what I have in my pencil case.

In my pencil case

My pencil case is from WHSmith's, and it is pink with orange polka dots. I did actually buy it last year but it is still on the website. This is my favourite pencil case I've ever had as it is adorable and perfect size. So here it is:
Yes I know this collage is really bad but my cat photo-bombed and I wanted to show the picture so I'm sorry about that. Anyway lets look inside...

Inside the actual pencil case are pencils, coloured pens and black pens.

My highlighters are from poundland and they are really good so don't judge. The sharper and rubber (the purple egg shaped thing) I got from Sainsbury's years ago but I hardly use it but its really good and I like it so I keep it in my pencil case anyway. Then we have the silver double sharpener which I also never use- teachers provide sharpeners in class. I have a black and white rubber which is really good because the black side doesn't take stain. My glue - which is pink yes I know your jealous aren't you- is from Wilkinson's and it was only £1 (the normal coloured glue was £1 as well so I was so getting the pink glue) and lastly we have my coloured pencils which are bic pencils. I'm not actually taking these to school though because we never use them.

I don't know if you noticed but I put elastic bands around stationary of a certain type e.g. highlighters to keep them all together. So in this picture it has them and the ones inside the pencil case. The black pens are just normal bic pens. Then the coloured pens in the middle which are great to have, the blue and purple one I have had for years but I bought the four coloured pen this year and its great, I think that it is also from bic. The American patterned pencils were a present but the yellow and black pencils are just the normal pencils you can get everywhere. I recommend these as they are really good.

That's what I keep inside my pencil case, I always make sure to have extra just in case I loose my pen on the day where I have a really strict teacher who will punish you for not having a pen... why?

Thank you for reading and stay awesome,
Love Scarlett x

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

What's in my school bag - Stuff to take - Back to school


So I decided to show you what I take to school. So it would be what's in my school bag but at my school we wear uniforms (almost all British schools do- its a good idea) so I keep some of my stuff in my blazer as well as my bag. I'm going to be splitting this into 3 sections: My bag, My pencil case and my blazer (I do keep my pencil case in my bag though). I think I take way too much stuff to school but I'm always really paranoid that I will need everything. By the time that I'm posting this I will actually be back at school but I am still going to post these anyway.

In my bag

This is the bag which I use most of the time at school. I've tried to do a variety of angles so that you can see what the bag looks like.

View the mi-pac website here:

Now my bag is a mi-pac and it is under the premium prints section. I really recommend this bag; its really comfortable, its spacious and its waterproof. On these pictures it does look a bit flat but that's just because it doesn't have much in it. This is what I keep inside my bag:

(Left picture): So on this picture is everything I keep inside the main compartment of the bag. You can see my pencil case (which is also in the top right photo), my bandage which I use in PE if I need to cover up anything, some lozenges because I'm always ill, my sunglasses which are from Dorothy Perkins (also in bottom middle photo), an academic diary from The Works, a Polly pocket which contains homework, letters and my paperwork for DofE, then I have a red toiletries bag which has that time of month stuff in, last of all I have a deodorant- usually I would have a dove one and an impulse one.

(Top in the middle): In this photo there are my school books- well these are only science not all my books are red, then there is my student planner which we get given for every term at school and there is my academic diary which is basically the same as my student planner just cuter.

(Bottom right): So this would be what's in the small pocket on the front of my bag. It will have my hair brush, my calculator, some tissues, my memory stick, my inhaler and some hay feather tablets.

So that's all that's in my bag, I will be posting what's in my pencil case,

Love you lots,
Scarlett x