Friday 1 January 2016

New Years resolutions - My goals for 2016

Happy New Year!

Like last year I have made a few resolutions for things which I would like to achieve this year. I do not think I will be able to achieve everyone of these resolutions however I will give it my best shot.

Exercise more
In 2015 I did begin to exercise a lot more than I previously had. However what I was doing to exercise was not enjoyable to me and therefore I did not try. I want to begin playing Just dance, jogging, doing push ups and star jumps twice a week at least. As it will be my decision to choose what I want to do I can alter what I want to do to fit the weather and my mood. Even if I only spend 5-10 minutes doing it that is still a good start.

Follow my revision timetable
Last year I slacked and did not try with revision much. I wouldn't follow my revision timetable which meant when I was revising, which wasn't as often as I needed to be, I was doing what I wanted to do not what I needed to do. I am taking my actual GCSE exams this year and I want to pass them all. I want to put in so much effort and make it count because then when I get my results back I will know that I tried my hardest.

Stop being afraid
This year I want to face my fears. I want to visit the London Bridge which has a glass floor and walk over it as I am afraid of heights. However I do not just want to face my fears I want to not let my every day anxieties get to me. I want to be prepared in order to be less stressed. I want to do the things I want to do and not refrain because I am afraid of what others think of me. I want to be truly open about my feelings as that will be the way I can work around them. I want to wear what I want in order to make me less ashamed of the person I am. I want to make school worthwhile and I also want to be prepared straight away from college.

Become more happy
Now I'm not sure how I am going to achieve this one but I am just going to take it one step at a time. I am going to surround myself by the things and the people which make me happy. I had already began doing it last year (seems weird to say as I am writing this in 2015 and this is going up in 2016) and it feels so much better. If I start feeling sad, whatever I am doing, I will go and do something which will make me feel better. If I am in class I will either ask to leave or tell someone around me I am feeling bad. If I don't do either of them I will draw or simply highlight my work to try and distract myself.

There are obviously other things which I would like to achieve in 2016 however these are just some of the main outlying ones.

Thank you for the pride you guys have gave me throughout this year when I have turned on my account and be overwhelmed at the response. Thank you for the comments and advice which people have been leaving. Most of all thank you for giving me a space where I can let out all of my feelings however big or small. I never expected to get such an emotional connection towards my blog but it truly makes me so happy and accomplished whenever I post. When I am writing this post I have 935 views on my blog. That's 935 times my blog has been clicked on and viewed. Whether it was by mistake or not it means so much to me.

Thank you for 2015, I hope yours has been a good one.

2016, bring it on!

Scarlett x

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